Ineffective Prayers smashed down by The Rulers of the Darkness of this Age…

Ineffective Prayers smashed down by
The Rulers of the Darkness of this Age…

« Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set
Your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before God,
Your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me
twenty one days…” (Daniel 10.12, 13)

Having walked with the Lord Jesus Christ for only a few days at the beginning of his ministry, his disciples discovered that his way of praying was completely different from theirs. Their prayers indeed were still reflecting the litany formulas learned in the synagogues from the Pharisees. Jesus prayed with power in intimacy with his Father. “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11: 1), his disciples asked Him. And Jesus taught them the basic prayer that contains the key principles of an effective prayer that pierces the cloud of the “rulers of the darkness in heavenly places” and goes straight to God.

Later, the apostle James who had also attended the JESUS’ SCHOOL OF PRAYER, wrote: “You lust and do not have… because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures” (James 4: 2-3). In other words, “You do not pray according to the key principles that the Master has taught us”.

One day on his way back from Jericho, Jesus encounters the blind Bartimaeus who shouts loudly: “Son of David, Jesus, have mercy on me! The crowd wanted to silence him thinking he was screaming to beg as usual. But the Lord commanded them to bring him nearer. Why? Jesus wanted him to approach Him personally and discover the majesty and greatness of his love, and thus be able to properly formulate his need with a calm mind.

“Have mercy on me, Jesus! ” is different from Rabbuni, that I recover the sight! “, isn’t ? And Jesus answered a prayer whose purpose was precisely expressed in freedom.

Now, what about these millions of prayers made every minute on the five continents, in our different churches, saying to God:
– “O Lord, give us peace!” while He has already granted it to us in Christ more than 2000 years ago (John 14:27) and that we have rejected it ourselves?
– “O Lord, make that righteousness may reign in the world,” whereas He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations (Psalm 98: 2)?

Are these prayers comparable to those which would say to God:
– “O Lord, teach us how to pray” as we face the terrorist threat, or the climate change? As we face,… face ?
– Or, “O Lord, teach us to do your will” (Psalm 143.10), which alone frees us from selfishness, from pride and from hatred, these terrible vices demons that create social inequalities and revolts in the World?
– Or, “O Lord, teach us to walk in your ways” (Psalm 119: 3), your holy ways that create in us a generous a humble heart that accepts to share with the poor living at the other end of the earth?
– Or, “O Lord, give us understanding so that we may keep your Law” (Psalms 119.34) and may your Holy Spirit convince us of lack of faith in your faithfulness to your promises? (2 Timothy 2:13).

Why do we always seek to give lessons to God while we ourselves are on war against His commandment of love and those of humility and righteousness? (Micah 6: 8). Let us first win the battle that rages in our own hearts and reconcile ourselves with the Lord by voluntarily returning to obedience to ALL HIS WORD. For these human prayers full of human feelings will in no way become COMBATTIVE and VICTOROUS PRAYERS that we need to put to cast and defeat the demons of terrorism which are making the whole world tremble today.

Contact us:
Bishop Dr. Justin Baransananikiye
P.O. Box 197 Gitega (Burundi)
Tel: (+257)79 877 097
SKYPE: Justin Baransananikiye